Using MetaTrader 5 for trading Futures Markets at AMP currently is available via CQG datafeed. In order for CQG to connect to MetaTrader 5, it uses what is called a "Gateway". Basically, this gateway is a middle-ware that functions as a connector between CQG datafeed/trade routing and the MetaTrader 5 platform.
Since trading Futures Markets, all of the orders and executions are taking place on the regulated exchanges, such as CME & EUREX, there is a constant communication between the Exchanges, CQG and Metatrader 5.
One of the communications between CQG and MT5 is the balance synchronization. This is when the "gateway" request balance information from CQG - which then CQG replies to the "gateway" with the current account balance.
You will see this action taking place in the MT5 activity logs under the label Correction [synchronization] - multiple times per day.
The terminology is admittedly not the best. Since all the Futures trades are being executed on the exchange, there are no "corrections". We have request to remove "corrections" from the label in order to avoid any confusion, but we were told since this function is an automated function in MT5 > it is hard-coded, unable to change the function label name.
Here is a technical example of synchronization (created in demo environment)
MetaTrader 5 aggregates position into one and calculates the VWAP rate for the position but CQG keeps all the fills separately do the on closes the open position rate can change.
Example Case:
- opened 10 contracts with several fills (VWAP 6879.45). MT5 keeps the position rate fixed if customer does not increase the position even if customer does the partial close for the position
- did the close for 1 contract; synched balance and found -$1 in mismatch
- did the close for 1 contract and found -$6 in mismatch
- did the close for 3 contract and found -$13 in mismatch
as result CQG has the position at 6879.25 but MT5 still has the 6879.45 as result there are different floating pnl and balance. - which is what is updated with the Correction [synchronization] - Multiple Times per day > Sync between MT5 account balance to the CQG back-office balance.
Example > CQG position after the partial closes (AVG 6879.25 but MT5 still has 6879.45):
Example > Fills in MetaTrader 5:
Key Points:
- All Futures Contracts are executed on the Regulated Exchanges - NO corrections
- All Actual Exchange Fill prices are processed on your nightly AMP statement
- If ever in doubt, please check your AMP account statement & if you need any assistance in real-time live trades, please contact the AMP 24 hour trade desk.
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