Trading Information
Frequently asked questions about trading. These questions include information about margin requirements, the different services that are available, the hours of operation for trading, and what markets are available.
Trading Info
- Contract Month Codes
- How long will it be before my account will be enabled to trade live once I complete the live trade platform setup request?
- I just refunded my account but I still cannot login. What's the reason?
- Can you reset my CQG/Rithmic/TT password, I cannot login.
- Can I call in and place a trade if needed?
- CME Price Limit Guide - Trading Halted Levels
Market Data
- I applied for a trial demo and it is saying I already had one?
- What data subscription do I need?
- Available Exchanges per Data Feed
- What is the CME bundle?
- What is the difference between top of book and market depth?
- What exchange data am I currently enabled for?