Please do not view any part of this information as tax advice. Please get in touch with a tax specialist in your country and seek advice from them for all your tax questions. We at AMP are not qualified to give any tax advice or answer any tax-related questions. However, we can provide you with the following information:
For non-US clients (that is, non-US citizens without a US green card, living outside the US), we do not send a tax statement at the end of the year. Your monthly statements show how much money you sent in, how much money you took out, and all your monthly trading profits or losses. You can request for a small fee one consolidated statement for the whole year.
For non-US clients, we do not report your income or losses to any tax department or government. If a government agency specifically identifies a client by name or account number and requests that client's information, we will satisfy their request.
Most countries have a tax treaty with the US, but we are still required to gather from every non-US customer a particular form called the W8 Form. This form was part of your account opening documents; hence, we already have it. Please let us know if any information on that form changes (such as name, address, or citizenship).
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